Synapse Router
The Synapse Router abstracts much of the complexity around liquidity based bridging and Synapse Bridge contracts into a single bridge()
, and returned to the user.Queries
Some Bridge transactions utilize an intermediary token (nETH, nUSD) the protocol has mint/burn permissions over.
Swaps to/from an intermediate token return an empty query.
Determining an optimal route with minimal slippage and maximum output is not trivial. Synapse Router condenses this complexity into a Query
, or data structure of generic swap instructions that return a token
, and an amountReceived
Given a bridgeable token, a Query
identifies on-chain “swaps” which allow the Bridge to identify the route(s) for an origin and intermediate token swap on the origin chain, and subsequent token swap on the destination chain.
Origin and destination queries are taken from the getOriginAmountOut()
and getDestinationAmountOut()
supporting functions, which are called for each transaction, from which your application can decide its preferred route.
Constructing a Bridge transaction
Attempting to manually construct queries may result in transactions being reverted for misconfigured parameters. Always use the Router functions below to construct your Bridge transactions.
1. Get output tokenSymbols
Call getConnectedBridgeTokens()
with your output token to receive a formatted tokenSymbols
2. Get originQuery
Call getOriginAmountOut()
with your input token, tokenSymbols
list, and amountIn
, to receive a Query
list for the origin chain.
3. Get destRequest
Convert each origin Query
to a destRequest
as seen in this example:
let requests =, index) => {
let request: DestRequest = {
symbol: value,
amountIn: originQueries[index].minAmountOut,
return request
4. Get destQuery
Call getDestinationAmountOut()
with your destRequest
list and output token to receive a Query
list for the destination chain.
5. select originQuery
and destQuery
Determine which originQuery
and destQuery
to use. This simple example selects the origin and destination pair with the highest output:
let destQuery = maxBy(destQueries, (query) => query.minAmountOut)
let selectedIndex = destQueries.indexOf(destQuery)
let originQuery = originQueries[selectedIndex]
6. Format queries and apply user settings
Add any user settings such as slippage
, and deadline
to your queries, and specify a swapAdapter
for the swap to use.
7. bridge()
Call bridge()
with your selected originQuery
and destQuery
Swap Adapter
SynapseRouterV1's swap adapter supports Synapse hosted pools. Future versions will allow additional adapters to support aggregators on different chains, allowing any-to-any Bridge transactions.
The Synapse Adapter is a configurable wrapper that facilitates the "swap" action on the origin and destination chains, and exposes useful methods to get Quote
and Query
structs, supported pools, tokens, and more.
Direct contract integration
* Struct representing a bridge token.
* @param symbol Bridge token symbol: unique token ID consistent among all chains
* @param token Bridge token address
type BridgeToken = {
symbol: String;
token: Address;
* Struct representing a request for a swap quote from a bridge token.
* @param symbol Bridge token symbol: unique token ID consistent among all chains
* @param amountIn Amount of bridge token to start with, before the bridge fee is applied
type DestRequest = {
symbol: String;
amountIn: BigInt;
* Struct representing a request swap (list of instructions) for SynapseRouter.
* @param swapAdapter Adapter address that will perform the swap. Address(0) specifies a "no swap" query.
* @param tokenOut Token address to swap to.
* @param minAmountOut Minimum amount of tokens to receive after the swap, or tx will be reverted.
* @param deadline Latest timestamp for when the transaction needs to be executed, or tx will be reverted.
* @param rawBytes ABI-encoded params for the swap that will be passed to `swapAdapter`.
type SwapQuery = {
swapAdapter: Address;
tokenOut: Address;
minAmountOut: BigInt;
deadline: BigInt;
rawParams: BytesLike;
type UserSettings = {
maxSlippage: BigInt;
deadlineOrigin: BigInt;
deadlineDest: BigInt;
interface SynapseRouter {
* Initiate a bridge transaction with an optional swap on both origin and destination chains
* @param to Address to receive tokens on destination chain
* @param chainId Destination chain id
* @param token Initial token for the bridge transaction to be pulled from the user
* @param amount Amount of the initial tokens for the bridge transaction
* @param originQuery Origin swap query. Empty struct indicates no swap is required
* @param destQuery Destination swap query. Empty struct indicates no swap is required
to: Address,
chainId: Number,
token: Address,
amount: BigInt,
originQuery: SwapQuery,
destQuery: SwapQuery
): null;
* Gets the list of all bridge tokens (and their symbols), such that destination swap
* from a bridge token to `tokenOut` is possible.
* @param tokenOut Token address to swap to on destination chain
getConnectedBridgeTokens(tokenOut: Address): BridgeToken[];
* Finds the best path between `tokenIn` and every supported bridge token from the given list,
* treating the swap as "origin swap", without putting any restrictions on the swap.
* @param tokenIn Initial token that user wants to bridge/swap
* @param tokenSymbols List of symbols representing bridge tokens
* @param amountIn Amount of tokens user wants to bridge/swap
tokenIn: Address,
tokenSymbols: String[],
amountIn: BigInt
): SwapQuery[];
* Finds the best path between every supported bridge token from the given list and `tokenOut`,
* treating the swap as "destination swap", limiting possible actions to those available for every bridge token.
* Will take the bridge fee into account, when returning a quote for every bridge token.
* @param requests List of structs with following information:
* - symbol: unique token ID consistent among all chains
* - amountIn: amount of bridge token to start with, before the bridge fee is applied
* @param tokenOut Token user wants to receive on destination chain
requests: DestRequest[],
tokenOut: Address
): SwapQuery[];
/// Perform a cross-chain swap using Synapse:Bridge
/// Start from `amountIn` worth of `tokenIn` on origin chain
/// Receive `tokenOut` on destination chain
function synapseBridge(
originChainId: Number,
destChainId: Number,
tokenIn: Address,
tokenOut: Address,
amountIn: BigInt,
userOrigin: Address,
userDest: Address,
userSettings: UserSettings
) {
// Every cross-chain swap via Synapse:Bridge is fueled by using one of the
// supported "bridge tokens" as the intermediary token.
// A following set of actions will be initiated by a single SynapseRouter.bridge() call:
// - Origin chain: tokenIn -> bToken swap is performed
// - Synapse: bridge bToken from origin chain to destination
// - Destination chain: bToken -> tokenOut is performed
// Here we describe a list of actions to perform such a cross-chain swap, knowing only
// - tokenIn, tokenOut, amountIn
// - SynapseRouter deployments
// - User settings for maximum slippage and deadline
// - User address on origin and destination chain (might be equal or different)
// Beware: below is a TypeScript pseudocode.
// 0. Fetch deployments of SynapseRouter on origin and destination chains
let routerOrigin = getSynapseRouter(originChainId);
let routerDest = getSynapseRouter(destChainId);
// 1. Determine the set of bridge tokens that could enable "receive tokenOut on destination chain"
// For that we perform a static call to SynapseRouter on destination chain
let bridgeTokens = routerDest.getConnectedBridgeTokens(tokenOut);
// Then we get the list of bridge token symbols
let symbols = => token.symbol);
// 2. Get the list of Queries with possible swap instructions for origin chain
// For that we perform a static call to SynapseRouter on origin chain
// This gets us the quotes from tokenIn to every bridge token (one quote per bridge token in the list)
let originQueries = routerOrigin.getOriginAmountOut(
// 3. Get the list of Queries with possible swap instructions for destination chain
// First, we form a list of "destination requests" by merging
// list of token symbols with list of quotes obtained in step 2.
let requests =, index) => {
let request: DestRequest = {
symbol: value,
amountIn: originQueries[index].minAmountOut,
return request;
// Then we perform a static call to SynapseRouter on destination chain
// This gets us the quotes from every bridge token to tokenOut (one quote per bridge token in the list)
// These quotes will take into account the fee for bridging the token to destination chain
let destQueries = routerDest.getDestinationAmountOut(requests, tokenOut);
// 4. Pick a pair of originQueries[i], destQueries[i] to perform the cross-chain swap
// In this example we are picking the pair that yields the best overall quote
let destQuery = maxBy(destQueries, (query) => query.minAmountOut);
let selectedIndex = destQueries.indexOf(destQuery)
let originQuery = originQueries[selectedIndex]
// Now we apply user slippage and deadline settings
originQuery = applyUserSettings(originQuery, userSettings)
destQuery = applyUserSettings(destQuery, userSettings)
// 5. Call SynapseRouter on origin chain to perform a swap
let amountETH: BigInt;
// 0xEeee address is used to represent native ETH
if (tokenIn == "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE") {
// If user selected "native ETH" as tokenIn, we would need to modify msg.value for the call
amountETH = amountIn;
} else {
// If user selected an ERC-20 token as tokenIn, we would need to use msg.value=0
amountETH = 0
// We also need to check if user approved routerOrigin to spend `tokenIn`
if (allowance(tokenIn, userOrigin, routerOrigin) < amountIn) {
// Users needs to issue a token approval
// tokenIn.approve(routerOrigin, amountIn)
// Perform a call to Synapse Router with all the derived parameters
// Use previously determined msg.value for this call
// (WETH wrapping is done by the Synapse Router)
routerOrigin.bridge{value: amountETH}(