Get quotes
get quotes from all relayers.
Path Parameters
origin chain id to filter quotes by
origin chain id to filter quotes by
destination chain id to filter quotes by
destination token address to filter quotes by
relayer address to filter quotes by
- 200
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Array [
DestAmount is the max amount of liquidity which exists for a given destination token, provided in the destination token decimals
DestChainID is the chain which the relayer is willing to relay to
DestFastBridgeAddress is the address of the fast bridge contract on the destination chain
DestToken is the token address for which the relayer willing to relay to
FixedFee is the fixed fee for the quote, provided in the destination token terms
MaxOriginAmount is the maximum amount of origin tokens bridgeable
OriginChainID is the chain which the relayer is willing to relay from
OriginFastBridgeAddress is the address of the fast bridge contract on the origin chain
OriginTokenAddr is the token address for which the relayer willing to relay from
Address of the relayer providing the quote
UpdatedAt is the time that the quote was last upserted
"dest_amount": "string",
"dest_chain_id": 0,
"dest_fast_bridge_address": "string",
"dest_token_addr": "string",
"fixed_fee": "string",
"max_origin_amount": "string",
"origin_chain_id": 0,
"origin_fast_bridge_address": "string",
"origin_token_addr": "string",
"relayer_addr": "string",
"updated_at": "string"