Version 0.10.0 breaking changes

A summary of breaking changes made in v0.10.0.

  • If you were previously using optional deadline parameter in either bridgeQuote or allBridgeQuotes, you need to wrap it into a separate options object, e.g. use synapseSDK.bridgeQuote(originChainId, destChainId, tokenIn, tokenOut, amountIn, {deadline: 1234567890})

  • If you were previously using excludeCCTP parameter in bridgeQuote, you can now use synapseSDK.bridgeQuote(originChainId, destChainId, tokenIn, tokenOut, amountIn, {excludedModules: ["SynapseCCTP"]})

  • It's possible to exclude multiple modules by providing a list with their names. The supported values are SynapseBridge, SynapseCCTP, SynapseRFQ

  • If a smart contract is going to initiate the bridge transaction on behalf of the user, you have to pass the user's address on the origin chain in bridgeQuote or allBridgeQuotes like so: synapseSDK.bridgeQuote(originChainId, destChainId, tokenIn, tokenOut, amountIn, {originUserAdsress: "0x1234..."})

  • These three options could be combined in any way the consumer desires by excluding/including these in the options object

  • Old FastBridgeRouter deployment is deprecated, if your integration is using the hardcoded address, please make sure to check the router deployments/deprecated deployments table here

Last updated