
How to interact with the Rest API

The REST API V2 currently has four methods :

GET /swap

Used for getting a quote to swap tokens.


  • chain (int) - Chain ID of the desired chain

  • fromToken (string) - Symbol of token to swap from

  • toToken (string) - Symbol of token to swap to

  • amount (int) - Amount of fromToken to swap

Example Request:



  • routerAddress (string) - The address of the router contract

  • maxAmountOut (object) - The maximum amount of tokens that can be swapped out. Contains:

    • type (string) - The data type

    • hex (string) - The amount encoded in hexidecimal

  • query (object) - Parameters for the swap query:

    • 0 (string) - Router contract address

    • 1 (string) - Address of tokenIn

    • 2 (object) - Amount of tokenIn to swap (same structure as maxAmountOut)

    • 3 (object) - Minimum amount of tokenOut requested (same structure as maxAmountOut)

    • 4 (string) - Encoded params for swap routing

    • swapAdapter (string) - Address of the swap adapter contract

    • tokenOut (string) - Address of tokenOut

    • minAmountOut (object) - Minimum amount of tokenOut required (same structure as maxAmountOut)

    • deadline (object) - Deadline parameter for the swap (same structure as maxAmountOut)

    • rawParams (string) - Encoded hex string containing swap parameters

  • maxAmountOutStr (string) - The maxAmountOut value formatted as a decimal string

GET /bridge

Used for getting a quote for bridging tokens between chains.


  • fromChain (int) - Chain ID of origin chain

  • toChain (int) - Chain ID of destination chain

  • fromToken (string) - Token symbol to bridge

  • toToken (string) - Token symbol to bridge to

  • amount (int) - Amount to bridge




  • feeAmount (object) - The fee amount for the swap. Contains:

    • type (string) - Data type

    • hex (string) - Fee amount encoded in hex

  • feeConfig (array) - Fee configuration parameters, contains:

    • 0 (number) - Gas price

    • 1 (object) - Fee percentage denominator (hex encoded BigNumber)

    • 2 (object) - Protocol fee percentage numerator (hex encoded BigNumber)

  • routerAddress (string) - Address of the router contract

  • maxAmountOut (object) - Maximum amount receivable from swap, structure same as above

  • originQuery (object) - Original swap query parameters, contains:

    • swapAdapter (string) - Swap adapter address

    • tokenOut (string) - Address of output token

    • minAmountOut (object) - Minimum output token amount

    • deadline (object) - Expiry time

    • rawParams (string) - Encoded hex params

  • destQuery (object) - Destination swap query parameters, structure similar to originQuery above.

  • maxAmountOutStr (string) - maxAmountOut as a decimal string.

  • bridgeModuleName (string) - the bridge module the transaction will be routed through

  • gasDropAmount (BigNumber) - the amount of gas airdropped to the user on the dest chain.

GET /swapTxInfo

Used to get transaction data for executing a swap.

Parameters: (same as /swap)




  • data: The binary data that forms the input to the transaction.

  • to: The address of the Synapse Router (the synapse bridge contract)

GET /bridgeTxInfo

Used to get transaction data for executing a bridge.

Parameters: (same as /bridge + destAddress)




  • data: The binary data that forms the input to the transaction.

  • to: The address of the Synapse Router (the synapse bridge contract)

Please read the FAQs and instructions carefully before reaching out to the on Discord for questions.

Last updated