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Bridge Widget

The Synapse Widget lets you quickly and easily add bridging to their DeFi application, access specific tokens supported by the Synapse protocol, or even custom-build your own Synapse frontend.

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Synapse Widget


Requires React, and the npm or yarn package manager.

npm install @synapsecns/widget
yarn add @synapsecns/widget

Quick start

import { Bridge } from @synapsecns/widget into your app, and initialize it with your web3Provider.

import { Bridge } from '@synapsecns/widget'

const MyApp = () => {
const web3Provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum)

return <Bridge web3Provider={web3Provider} />

This will result in a fully operational Bridge integrating the routes and tokens supported by the Synapse protocol.


While the widget works out-of-the-box without any setup beyond web3Provider, configuration is recommended for reliability and performance.

  • web3Provider (required): Handles wallet connections.
  • customRpcs (recommended): JSON-RPC endpoints.
  • targetChainIds: List of destination chain IDs. Defaults to all.
  • targetTokens: List of tokens to display. These tokens are imported from the widget package. Defaults to all.
  • customTheme: Custom theme for the widget. Defaults to light mode. see Theme section for details.
  • container: Includes a solid-background container if true. Defaults to false.
  • protocolName: Short name by which to identify the protocol. Defaults to "Target".
  • hideConsoleErrors: Hide SDK and Widget console.error messages. Defaults to false.


While the demo landing page uses the ethers library, any similar provider can be used.

// Ethers v5
const web3Provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum, 'any')

// Ethers v6
const web3Provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum)


Set preferred RPC endpoints for each chainId. Defaults to Synapse fallback values for undefined chains.

import { Bridge, CustomRpcs } from '@synapsecns/widget'

const customRpcs: CustomRpcs = {
1: '',
10: '',
42161: '',

const MyApp = () => {
const web3Provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum)

return <Bridge web3Provider={web3Provider} customRpcs={customRpcs} />

targetChainIds & targetTokens

Shows only the chains and tokens your project supports for onboarding, while still allowing users to onboard from, or bridge back to, any preferred chain or token.

import { Bridge, CustomRpcs, ETH, USDC, USDT } from '@synapsecns/widget'

const MyApp = () => {
const web3Provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum)

return (
targetChainIds={[42161, 43114]}
targetTokens={[ETH, USDC, USDT]}
Token names

Token names must match the definitions in src/constants/bridgeable.ts. Metis USDC, for example, is "METISUSDC".

For chains, see src/constants/chains.ts as well.


The widget will automatically generate a color palette from bgColor in the customTheme object, which you can also use to override individual color variables.

Color modes

If your application has multiple color modes, such as light and dark, reload the widget with the appropriate theme colors when your application’s theme changes.

const customTheme = {
// Generate from base color, 'dark', or 'light'
bgColor: '#08153a',

// Basic customization
'--synapse-text': 'white',
'--synapse-secondary': '#ffffffb3',
'--synapse-root': '#16182e',
'--synapse-surface': 'linear-gradient(90deg, #1e223de6, #262b47e6)',
'--synapse-border': 'transparent',

// Full customization (Uses 'basic' colors by default)
'--synapse-focus': 'var(--synapse-secondary)',
'--synapse-select-bg': 'var(--synapse-root)',
'--synapse-select-text': 'var(--synapse-text)',
'--synapse-select-border': 'var(--synapse-border)',
'--synapse-button-bg': 'var(--synapse-surface)',
'--synapse-button-text': 'var(--synapse-text)',
'--synapse-button-border': 'var(--synapse-border)',

// Transaction progress colors (set bgColor to auto-generate)
'--synapse-progress': 'hsl(265deg 100% 65%)',
'--synapse-progress-flash': 'hsl(215deg 100% 65%)',
'--synapse-progress-success': 'hsl(120deg 100% 30%)',
'--synapse-progress-error': 'hsl(15deg 100% 65%)',



The widget is full-width with a transparent background by default, but can supply its own solid background container.

<Bridge web3Provider={web3Provider} container={true} />

useBridgeSelections hook

An active list of dropdown selections are available from the useBridgeSelections React hook.

const {
} = useBridgeSelections()


  • Chain: { id: number, name: string }
  • Token: { symbol: string, address: string }

Example Apps

For reference, you can find three example apps in the repository’s /examples folder.

landing-pageFunctional demo with basic customization
with-reactSimple React implementation
with-nextSimple Next.js implementation


If you have questions or need help implementing the widget, reach out to the team on Discord.